
The bussiness of science

Soluciones efectivas a la carta

El sector agro necesita acceso a la biotecnología más vanguardista para crecer y ser competitivo al más alto nivel. Solo unas pocas empresas tienen acceso a las herramientas más modernas, el conocimiento técnico para sacarles rendimiento, y a los recursos económicos para aplicarlas.

GC GENOMICS nace con la idea de democratizar la biotecnología  agrogenómica

Facilitamos el acceso tanto a creadores de variedades y razas como a productores con el objetivo de maximizar su productividad de forma sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. Nuestra metodología nos permite integrar datos genómicos personalizados y adaptados a su modelo de explotación, a precios hasta diez veces menores que el mercado, garantizando mejores resultados y servicios.

A su vez, creemos que el conocimiento es esencial para convertir los nuevos avances científicos en herramientas atractivas y fáciles de usar para las empresas del sector. Esto lo conseguimos mediante la formación paulatina de nuestros clientes a medida que trabajamos con ellos. 

El entendimiento de la tecnología es fundamental para aprovechar todo su potencial.


The agricultural sector needs access to state-of-the-art biotechnology to grow and compete at the highest level. Only a handful of companies have access to the most modern tools, the technical knowledge to take advantage of them, and the economic resources to implement them. GC GENOMICS was born out of the idea of democratizing agrogenomic biotechnology.

With this objective in mind, a group of visionaries with extensive experience in scientific research, biotechnology, agricultural, engineering, business, international relations and, above all, a great passion for entrepreneurship, decided to create GC GENOMICS, an Austrian company founded in 2020 and its Spanish subsidiary in 2021.

Biotechnology Lab

At GCGenomics, we facilitate access to both breeders and producers with the aim of maximizing their productivity in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Our methodology allows us to integrate customized genomic data adapted to your farm model, up to ten times lower than market price, guaranteeing better results and services.

At the same time, we believe that knowledge is essential to convert new scientific advances into attractive and easy-to-use tools for companies in this sector. We achieve this by gradually instructing our clients as we work with them. Understanding the technology is fundamental to realizing its full potential.


Needs met through personalized services.

Increase the value of your crop or livestock production; predict the genetic value of your animals at birth and plants at germination and save the opportunity cost of their maintenance.
Create a genome-wide association map and characterize the genetic architecture of traits of agronomic interest.
Identify your plant varieties and animal breeds with your own genetic identifier or barcode.
Sequence hundreds or thousands of individuals and characterize the genetic variability of your species or population.
SNPs DNA Chips are unaffordable for much of the agriculture industry and do not exist for many species of interest. For a price of up to 10 times lower than a SNPs DNA Chip, you can genotype your population with the same resolution.
Identify microbial profiles associated with plant health and productivity and formulate your biofertilizers based on these microorganisms.
Get your reference genome; sequence and annotate the molecular “instructions” for your species.

Learn more about what services we can offer you.

Download our dossier here.